Apple Achieves Record-Breaking Q3 2024 Earnings with $85.78 Billion Revenue

Apple has released its earnings report for the fiscal third quarter of 2024, showcasing impressive financial performance. The company reported a revenue of $85.78 billion for the three-month period spanning April, May, and June. This revenue figure represents a 4.87% increase year-over-year, marking a new record for the June quarter. Net profit for the quarter reached $21.45 billion, and earnings per share (EPS) stood at $1.40, both of which are record figures for this period.

Apple Achieves Record-Breaking Q3 2024 Earnings with $85.78 Billion Revenue

Analysts' Expectations Surpassed

Prior to the release of the earnings report, analysts had predicted modest growth for Apple's Q3 2024 performance. The average expectation among analysts was $84.46 billion in revenue. They also anticipated an increase in EPS from $1.18 last year to $1.24 this year. Apple's actual performance exceeded these expectations, highlighting the company's strong market presence and operational efficiency.

New Product Launches Boost Sales

During the quarter, Apple introduced several new products, including updated iPad models. The revamped iPad Pro and the new iPad Air contributed significantly to the revenue growth, particularly in the iPad segment. The introduction of these products demonstrates Apple's commitment to innovation and meeting consumer demand.

Breakdown of Revenue by Product Category

  • Total Revenue: $85.78 billion (up 4.87% year-over-year)
  • Net Income: $21.45 billion (up 7.89% year-over-year)
  • iPhone: $39.30 billion (down 0.94% year-over-year)
  • Mac: $7.01 billion (up 2.46% year-over-year)
  • iPad: $7.16 billion (up 23.63% year-over-year)
  • Wearables, Home, and Accessories: $8.10 billion (down 2.26% year-over-year)
  • Services: $24.21 billion (up 14.14% year-over-year)

Challenges in the Chinese Market

Despite the overall strong performance, Apple faced challenges in the Chinese market. Net sales in Greater China decreased by 6.54% year-over-year, falling from $15.76 billion to $14.73 billion. This decline highlights the competitive and fluctuating nature of the Chinese market.

CEO Tim Cook's Remarks

Apple CEO Tim Cook expressed his satisfaction with the company's performance in Q3 2024, stating, "Today Apple is reporting a new June quarter revenue record of $85.8 billion, up 5 percent from a year ago. During the quarter, we were excited to announce incredible updates to our software platforms at our Worldwide Developers Conference, including Apple Intelligence, a breakthrough personal intelligence system that puts powerful, private generative AI models at the core of iPhone, iPad, and Mac. We very much look forward to sharing these tools with our users, and we continue to invest significantly in the innovations that will enrich our customers’ lives, while leading with the values that drive our work."

CFO Luca Maestri's Insights

Apple CFO Luca Maestri also highlighted the company's financial achievements, stating, "During the quarter, our record business performance generated EPS growth of 11 percent and nearly $29 billion in operating cash flow, allowing us to return over $32 billion to shareholders. We are also very pleased that our installed base of active devices reached a new all-time high in all geographic segments, thanks to very high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty."

Innovations and Future Prospects

Apple's success in Q3 2024 is not only a result of its current product lineup but also its continuous investment in innovation. The introduction of Apple Intelligence at the Worldwide Developers Conference is a testament to Apple's commitment to advancing technology and providing enhanced user experiences. This breakthrough personal intelligence system, which incorporates powerful, private generative AI models, is set to revolutionize the functionality of iPhone, iPad, and Mac devices.


Apple's Q3 2024 earnings report showcases a record-breaking performance, with revenue reaching $85.78 billion and net profit at $21.45 billion. Despite facing challenges in the Chinese market, Apple exceeded analysts' expectations and demonstrated strong growth across various product categories. The company's continuous investment in innovation and customer satisfaction is poised to drive its future success, making Apple a formidable player in the technology industry.

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